

塩原庭村 (しおばらていそん)
また、東音会市川春子、清元節を清元栄三郎、荻江節を荻江露舟、友郁、小唄を長生秀に師事。京都妙心寺大法院閑栖 松岡調に入門し、茶道、花、書を学び薫陶を受け「庭村」の名を賜る。在学中に浄観賞を受賞。
一四年ピアニスト・音楽家プロデューサーのパク・チャンスによる韓国公演や日本・中国・韓国で同時開催された「one day Festival 2014」に出演するなど、近年その活動は多岐にわたる。

Biography of Teison Shiobara

Vocalist and shamisen player of Nagauta (Japanese traditional music), music designer, traditional performing arts director.
Formerly known as Sanshichiro Kineya.

Teison Shiobara is a vocalist and shamisen player of Nagauta, who has performed since 1998. He greatly respects Japanese traditional arts and music genres, while expanding his insatiable curiosity about other types of art, and has created his unique art world demonstrating “the classics living in the modern age.”

In recent years, he has explored his field through numerous workshops, performances on TV and radio, overseas concerts and so on.

Teison started Nagauta training with Gosankichi Kineya in 1992 as a member of the legendary Kineya Nagauta Family. Teison’s former stage name “Sanshichiro” was given to him by his grand master Sanzaemon Kineya.

Also Teison has studied diverse Japanese traditional music styles, such as Kiyomoto from Eizaburo Kiyomoto, Ogie style from Roshu Ogie, and Kouta from Hide Chosei.

Furthermore, he studied the Japanese art of the tea ceremony, flower arrangement, and calligraphy under the tutelage of Sokun Matsuoka, a hermit at Daiho-in which is a sub-temple of Myoshin-ji in Kyoto, and was given his artist name Teison.
In 2020, he officially claimed Teison Shiobara as his stage name as he started his new independent career.


1992 Entered the Tokyo University of the Arts, the Faculty of Music, Department of Japanese Traditional Music (graduated in 1995)
Started training in Nagauta with Gosankichi Kineya
1995 Received the Kineya-Jyoukan Award
1998 Invited by International School of Theatre Anthropology (ISTA) and performed and toured across Europe
2000 Received the Japan Agency for Cultural Affairs Artist Fellowship
Joined a music artist group, Yukaina Nakamatachi (Funky Music Friends) and promoted Japanese traditional culture in educational programs of NHK TV in Japan
2004 First solo concert “The World of Sanshichiro” at Ginza Kanematsu Hall, Tokyo
2009 Received the Hidetsuna Watanabe Award for “Hogaku Yakai,” regular evening concert series of Japanese traditional music
2010 Started the regular music workshop “Sanshichiro’s Hogaku Salon”
2013 Joined the live performance BELL at New York Live Arts as a music designer; highly acclaimed by The New York Times
2014 Started own study group “Sanshichiro no Kai”
Performed with pianist and music producer Pak Chan-Soo in Korea
Performed at the One Day Festival 2014, simultaneous concert in China, Korea and Japan
2020 Officially changed his stage name from Sanshichiro Kineya to Teison Shiobara